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Saturday 3 October 2020

Is The Church in Africa Taking A Wrong Turn? A General View From A Villager.


When we look at the measure of Christ and his definition of ministry and probably the early church compare it with the 21st Century Church do we see the same theme as authored by Christ continuing and the impact and transformation power still changing lives and communities. If not so what could be the challenges and errors that the church have encountered.
Church on the wrong way

The Role of the Church in Africa is somehow complicated as evidenced by the mushrooming of small churches which are not standing for the people nor fighting for the cause of Justice, furthermore which can not speak the truth of what People are facing.

The church is an institution that has not truly provided the much needed support and teaching to the communities it is planted. Jesus in coming to the earth did not come to start a Religion that is a government or a movement that seeks to reach God and that establishes its people to follow certain Laws so as to serve God their Father.

The first error which can be seen by the church fathers is that they made Church a Religion and removed it of its power to truly transform mankind. Anything that can govern man that is not Christ Spirit will govern the same with rule, beliefs, traditions and Doctrine from its own source which is fallible

The head in it wrong Position 

Jesus as one man transformed a nation with his message of salvation and made followers which he trained to spread the message so as to bring the message. Jesus in his sermons was always the religious leaders. At one time he called the religious forks blind guards, on another occasion hypocrite and yet on another account murderers.

The death of Jesus was as if as a result of his conflicts with the religious leaders. They accuse him of a crime, made all convictions to fit the Religious law and the Civil Law so as to deal away with a man who had no religion but in Him was the truth and grace. 

The same is true in our time as we witness the church is so divided on issues to do with religion and not to do with Jesus the man. So is the role of the church to become religious and convict believers to a set of laws and principles. Or it is to bring Christ who is the fullness of all Godliness.

The church as a moral agent have failed to set the very example of Christ love, when Jesus was about to go to the cross He made a declaring of faith that set apart his ministry which he came to manifest to man kind. He agrees that the identity of any form of ministry is love. Love and you be know by the  world by it,

The conflicts and splits in the church world wide is an indicator of the church failure to walk in love. Love is the very nature of God, without love the mark of sonship or better known as be born again is critically challenged.

As a religion of man governed by man the institution that was made to transform man and the earth has become a tool to transform the man of God to man of Gold.  Which creates enmity and promotes corrupt self service ministers who seeks to please the sole called God of man in the form of a man.

Jesus appear to say that his way would create peace makers and people who are meek, but meek not referring to weakness and docility. The former man made religion and ministry seeks to promote hatred and dominance of its subjects. Families are divided over Bishops and marriages are broken because of failure to understand that the man of God is after all a man and not a god. The decisions of a man of God are taken as the counsel of God Himself.

Church has taken center stage on issues that it needs to correct. The media is awashed with stories of Prophets who rapes their own members, Pastors who steals money and Bishops that are involved in corrupt activities. Taking the words of Jesus to light, who implies the church or believers are
the light of the world. Who will the light so shine in the darkness when she ( the church )is in fact the darkness of the world.

How do we justify the fact that the nations that are declared to be Christian nations are the most corrupt nations. How do we justify again the fact that nations that prides its selves to have the highest Christian percentage have high crime rate, corrupt governing elites and religious leaders. It it mean that we have failed to understand what we claim to be, or probably the message that we carry is not redemptive enough?

One is left with so many unanswered question when one reviews the way church in our mother land operates, how the leaders functions and  how its followers lives, can they be measured according to the measure of Christ.



                                                                       Wordnocrate | 2020