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Showing posts with label Christianity. Show all posts

Saturday 3 October 2020

Is The Church in Africa Taking A Wrong Turn? A General View From A Villager.



When we look at the measure of Christ and his definition of ministry and probably the early church compare it with the 21st Century Church do we see the same theme as authored by Christ continuing and the impact and transformation power still changing lives and communities. If not so what could be the challenges and errors that the church have encountered.
Church on the wrong way

The Role of the Church in Africa is somehow complicated as evidenced by the mushrooming of small churches which are not standing for the people nor fighting for the cause of Justice, furthermore which can not speak the truth of what People are facing.

The church is an institution that has not truly provided the much needed support and teaching to the communities it is planted. Jesus in coming to the earth did not come to start a Religion that is a government or a movement that seeks to reach God and that establishes its people to follow certain Laws so as to serve God their Father.

The first error which can be seen by the church fathers is that they made Church a Religion and removed it of its power to truly transform mankind. Anything that can govern man that is not Christ Spirit will govern the same with rule, beliefs, traditions and Doctrine from its own source which is fallible

The head in it wrong Position 

Jesus as one man transformed a nation with his message of salvation and made followers which he trained to spread the message so as to bring the message. Jesus in his sermons was always the religious leaders. At one time he called the religious forks blind guards, on another occasion hypocrite and yet on another account murderers.

The death of Jesus was as if as a result of his conflicts with the religious leaders. They accuse him of a crime, made all convictions to fit the Religious law and the Civil Law so as to deal away with a man who had no religion but in Him was the truth and grace. 

The same is true in our time as we witness the church is so divided on issues to do with religion and not to do with Jesus the man. So is the role of the church to become religious and convict believers to a set of laws and principles. Or it is to bring Christ who is the fullness of all Godliness.

The church as a moral agent have failed to set the very example of Christ love, when Jesus was about to go to the cross He made a declaring of faith that set apart his ministry which he came to manifest to man kind. He agrees that the identity of any form of ministry is love. Love and you be know by the  world by it,

The conflicts and splits in the church world wide is an indicator of the church failure to walk in love. Love is the very nature of God, without love the mark of sonship or better known as be born again is critically challenged.

As a religion of man governed by man the institution that was made to transform man and the earth has become a tool to transform the man of God to man of Gold.  Which creates enmity and promotes corrupt self service ministers who seeks to please the sole called God of man in the form of a man.

Jesus appear to say that his way would create peace makers and people who are meek, but meek not referring to weakness and docility. The former man made religion and ministry seeks to promote hatred and dominance of its subjects. Families are divided over Bishops and marriages are broken because of failure to understand that the man of God is after all a man and not a god. The decisions of a man of God are taken as the counsel of God Himself.

Church has taken center stage on issues that it needs to correct. The media is awashed with stories of Prophets who rapes their own members, Pastors who steals money and Bishops that are involved in corrupt activities. Taking the words of Jesus to light, who implies the church or believers are
the light of the world. Who will the light so shine in the darkness when she ( the church )is in fact the darkness of the world.

How do we justify the fact that the nations that are declared to be Christian nations are the most corrupt nations. How do we justify again the fact that nations that prides its selves to have the highest Christian percentage have high crime rate, corrupt governing elites and religious leaders. It it mean that we have failed to understand what we claim to be, or probably the message that we carry is not redemptive enough?

One is left with so many unanswered question when one reviews the way church in our mother land operates, how the leaders functions and  how its followers lives, can they be measured according to the measure of Christ.



                                                                       Wordnocrate | 2020 

Monday 17 August 2020

Dwelling in the presence of God Secrets


Dwelling in the presence of God Secrets

A life learnt from David in Psalms 27

 One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after;
that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life,
to behold the beauty of the Lord, and to enquire in his temple.

David is sure of whom the lord is, he said the Lord is my light and my salvation. How did he became so sure about how God would defend him and how God would grant him victory. Notice David is not praying for protection nor is he seeking wisdom and knowledge from the Lord of what will become.

He is so certain that all things in his life was ordered and he seems to understand why he is going to be a winner man in all these things. This is what David reveals to us as he pens this beautiful Psalm. One thing I have desired, he desired only the Lord. This is so profound, David in his life only lived to fulfil one thing ; that is  to be with the Lord and beholding His Glory.

This was the source of his understanding and wisdom. This is why David was so confident in the face of trouble. All he sees was the beauty of the lord and God's love for him. His eyes were fixed on the one thing he desires so much even in the times of trouble.

He understood that  if he focuses on God the attention of God would melt mountains and levels all the unequal ground. Above all else he understood that God would fight for him because He was a friend and a companion of God and God enjoyed his worship and fellowship.

Our challenge in the 21st century is that we seek what God can do in our lives and yet neglect Him as our Father. We forsake that beautiful relationship of beholding His glory and of staying in His presence. This is what separates  us from David. We are always fearful and when we are in trouble we see defeat and often times we give up and fall by the side.

David shows us three important things which he sums up as the one thing he desires that can help us to live the life of victory in Christ and be able also to empower us to manifest the Glory and grace of God on earth.

1. Dwell in the house of the lord : the word dwell means to stay, to remain and to abide. David demonstrated what Christ would instruct us in the book of John 15:4 Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, except it abide in the vine; no more can ye, except ye abide in me.

Dwelling in the house or rather in the Lord is to remain in  Christ, allowing the nature of Christ to operate in your life through faith. Just like Paul who says "I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me."

  Dwelling also implies  to be rooted in Christ, planted in His nature and becoming one with Him. Thus to help us dwell in the lord we must appreciate our divine position in Christ which was evoked by His resurrection to glory.

Remaining in Christ as  alluded by John entails that we need to allow the word to be one with us. Dwelling in Christ is dwelling in His word, staying and planted in the word with practice correspondence of the word. Being one with the word .

Above all else to dwell in Christ is to remain in His love, God is love, the nature of God's being is love so by dwelling in Him we are dwelling in love.  Let the love of God which we are surrounded by be a reflection of your being.

Yes David desired to dwell, to remain and to abide in the house of the lord where he participated in adoration and fellowship. In His presence there is nothing more that seeing His Glorious presence and brilliance light of life.

Notice in this place David  is not seeking after God no he is already with the lord and seeks to spend time with the Lord. This is the type of people God is seeking after, Do you see that when your heart is right you do not seek after the lord, He seeks after you.
John 4:23 But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him

2. Behold the beauty of God. This is powerful when you take time to just behold the beauty of God. This was the key for his transformation and greatness, as you behold His glory you surely transform to the form of that Glory. We eventual becomes that which we worship, the art of worship is that one of beholding, admiring and cherishing.

3. To inquire in his temple , take time to converse with the lord, let your worries be known to him. Allow the Spirit of the Lord to share the Father's instructions and guidance.

Genesis 25:22
And the children struggled together within her; and she said, If it be so, why am I thus? And she went to enquire of the Lord. And the Lord said unto her, Two nations are in thy womb,
And two manner of people shall be
separated from thy bowels;
and the one people shall be stronger
than the other people; and the elder shall serve the younger.

Our challenge still in our Morden church comes in one form, we fail to progress with the revelation of the scripture, the first we hear about enquirer is between a person and God, and in the times of the prophets we now see people going to enquirer from the prophet to hear from God on their behalf.

It's a tragedy to still live in this old way, where people only believes that one person is used of God to hear and to speak with God. David intended to dwell in the house and enquire of the lord in the temple all the days of his life.

Hebrews tells us  God, who at sundry times and in divers manners spake in time past unto the fathers by the prophets, Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things,

This is what David saw before the coming of our lord Jesus. When we take time to talk with God we position ourselves for a revelation, understand and wisdom in the area we discuss with the lord. David longed to fellowship with the lord, he understood what Paul the Apostle would write in relation to fellowship with the Holy Spirit.

   "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen." The communion, fellowship and partnership with the Holy Spirit be with you all.

The secrets of divine life can be seen in the life of David as he teaches us through practice living in the presence of God in the book of Psalms. Desire The lord above everything else, that desire and love for the lord will lead you to dwell in the temple.

As you dwell in His presence you begin to beholding the lovely beauty of the Lord. Admiring the lord's Glory will eventually lead you to start speaking and companioning with Him as you enquire from the Lord.

                                                                  Tonderai Goncalo | The Wordnocrate 2020 

Tuesday 24 May 2016

The legalism Coiled In Christianity Eroding Grace


It is easy to accept Human effort at the expense of Divine Grace, I have noticed that Humanity is easy to accept half truth and utterly ignore the whole truth that is in-front of it. In Christianity tendency of legalism can easily be seen in most church in various forms.

Legalism and reactions against it are a constant part of religious life. It lies at the center of disputes over the changes Pope Francis is attempting to bring to the Roman Catholic Church. It divides progressive from conservative Protestants, Indeed, it defines the conflict between liberal and conservative forms of many religions.
Legalism can be defined as strict adherence to the letter of the law. Use of the term today normally has a pejorative connotation. A legalists is fixated on law, seems to miss the principle behind the law, or tightens legal obligation beyond what is right, reasonable, or good for people. I would want to further its meaning to the adherence of church traditions, doctrines and Ministries Philosophy in this paper. 
Legalism is a perennial tendency in religion, at least in the three Abrahamic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. But so is a reactive anti-legalism.
Speaking of the Christian tradition which I know best, I think it is fair to see a kind of legalism and anti-legalism spiral.

The legalism Coiled  In Religion Eroding Grace

 Luke  Chapter 6 Jesus tangles with the scribes and Pharisees over the proper practice of Sabbath observance. In one incident Jesus gets in trouble for allowing his disciples to glean some grain on the Sabbath. In the second he heals a man in a synagogue on the Sabbath, also evoking resistance.
The command to honor the Sabbath and keep it holy is crucial in Judaism. One aspect of honoring Sabbath is to refrain from any kind of work. The question in these texts is whether Jesus and his disciples were violating Sabbath by “working” in these two ways. Jesus appeals to precedent, to human well-being, and to his own lordship over the Sabbath to defend his actions. His adversaries are not convinced.

Jesus in coming to the earth He came with Grace and Truth, here we encounter the battle between Grace and the Law. In Christ mind the love and goodness of God was above the legal system that governs it. By adhering and becoming legalistic in nature the church, ministry or religion erodes the Gospel of Grace and entangle Humanity back to self effort.

 It is amazing to note that most of the churches that are being planted being Pentecostal or Traditional are bring man back to the Law either by adherence to the Torah or by creating their own Rules embedded in the believers faith policy as ministerial Philosophy.
It is perhaps not coincidental that this kind of prudish legalism has produced a systemically anti-legalistic response among many millions of Christians who were raised in it. I think this explains a lot of the spirit of ex-Southern Baptist and ex-evangelical/fundamentalist Christianity. Where legalism dominated, many, many, Christians want a religion of grace, mercy, and freedom.
On the other side some scholars would want to argue that sometimes demands and boundaries are needed. Given human nature, sometimes we need someone to tell us where the limits are, and what we are not allowed to do, not just where the freedom is and how forgiving God is.
It is imperative to know that Legalism kills by squeezing the life out of us. But a reactive anti-legalism can kill by not keeping us away from actions that can ruin our lives – and that of others another source  which is closely related to the traditional church.

It is true that Legalism is natural and humanistic easy to adjust and adopt. Carnal and both oppressive moreover rendering powerless the work that Jesus did on the cross by forcing on human efforts and human rules to bring righteous living.

Online Source.

Friday 20 May 2016

The 21st Century Church A Replica of the Christendom Era's Church Failures

The 21st Century Church A Replica of the Christendom Era's Church Failures

The Church was instituted in the Christendom Era where the Gospel of Christ thrived. Jesus Christ was the center of the Teaching of the Church, they preached about the coming Kingdom. And indeed the message of Christ was so fresh in the mind of the populous. In the 21st Century the focus of the Church is it still Christ and its message is it about the coming Kingdom?

The word Christendom generally refers to the global community of those who adhere to the Christian faith, with religious practices and dogmas gleaned from the teachings of the Bible. Spread throughout the world, Christendom consists of literally billions of people among many nations and peoples of various ethnicity. Correspondingly, Christendom also refers to those countries where Christianity is the dominating or territorial religion

In the age of Christendom, the church occupied a central and influential place in society and the Western world considered itself both formally and officially Christian. 

So when we speak of post-Christendom, we are making the point that the church no longer occupies this central place of social and cultural hegemony and Western civilization no longer considers itself to be formally or officially Christian.

According to Abraham Kuyper 'When the first contest eventuated in this that the emperor bowed to Jesus, then... the kingship of Christ began to be triumphant in society...The kingship of Christ from this time on stood as a direction-giving power above the imperial power, which, in order to strengthen its influence, tried for an ever increasingly close integration with the kingship of Jesus...

When in the fourth century persecution ceased and the imperial power evinced a readiness to accommodate itself to Jesus, the basic victory became apparent...This principal victory continued on during the entire course of the long period known as the Middle Ages'.

It is evident during this period that the Church obtained a very powerful position in the society. As highlighted by Murray in his article christendom ( page 2).

Christendom meant: ·
The adoption of Christianity as the official religion of city, state or empire, thus the message of Jesus Christ to be central and the pivotal focus of Faith. It was attractive and receptive to all societies and nations.

Furthermore in the Era we witness the imposition of a supposedly 'Christian morality' on the entire population (although normally Old Testament moral standards were applied)
In this Era the defense of Christianity by legal sanctions to restrain heresy, immorality and schism, and by warfare to protect or extend Christendom.

Indeed the Church as an institution was very powerful and its teachings and life style was the model for the whole communities. From the Government to the Peasants in the land their lives were hinged on the Gospel.

That which brought the downfall of the church as a central power

It with great displeasure to note that Corruption erupted in the church as a result of the favors that the church was receiving from the Empire and the power the Papacy had amused. The church was involved in the Politics of the day. Priests and Bishops would spend much of their time in the Political debates and not in the church teaching and molding the believers to keep moving in the faith.

Church in the 21 Century must bring its members to the place where Christ is back to be the center of their focus. However, we see the almost the same image of the church, Most Nations have even Christianize their Nations and have vowed to live by the principles of the Bible and later on to be molded by the Message of Christ. Some Great Nation have even crafted their national Constitutions with the foundations of the Bible.

The church and the State have been separated technically, but from time to time the two always satisfy each others missions and goals. Directly the Clergy are not running the State and not involved in the day to day Politics. But there do contributes much in the formulation of its Policies and Moral Practices.

In Africa at large one can witness the emerging of new ministries which seeks to milk and suck believers of their resources. Such Corrupt events we witness in the Church, Individuals raising to pursue their self goals at the expense of the Gospel and defrauding man by simply manipulating their faith. Paganism and Christianity has not been separated, the scared and profane is as it were one and the same thing.

This why we can be having a Nation having statics that shows that there are 90% of believers and yet there is again 90% people who are corrupt. Is the Church still relevant in our Time?

The Church is that part of the human community which responds first to God-in-Christ and Christ-in-God. It is the sensitive and responsive part in every society and mankind as a whole. It is that group which hears the Word of God, which sees His judgments, which has the vision of the resurrection.

 In its relations with God it is the pioneer part of society that responds to God on behalf of the whole society, somewhat, we may say, as science is the pioneer in responding to pattern or rationality in experience and as artists are the pioneers in responding to beauty. Niebuhr, H. Richard. "The responsibility of the church for society." The Gospel, the Church, and the World. New York: Harper & Row (1946).

To a great extend the church's message needs to remain making Christ the center of its Message. The Christendom Era and our 21st Century Church, which is under the Modern Era have not  much to offer in terms of transformation and realigning the church's life to the message of Christ.

                 Copyright © Wordnomics [All Rights Reserved.] 

Monday 16 May 2016

Have the Right Spirit After Criticism


One of the worst sins anyone can ever perpetuate against themselves is to believe the lies that they tell themselves. It’s normal that in a bid to be strong or appear brave and in control, we often tell ourselves statements that are meant to embolden and strengthen us.

“Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.
Proverbs 28 vs 13

In these statements its common cause that we will tell ourselves the things we want to hear, the things we think of ourselves, the fleeting dreams that we fantasise about and that we hope will be the reality of our life.

It’s so easy to turn a blind eye to the reality of our situation, therefore we end up lying to ourselves. We become so distanced from reality that we begin to believe everything we say to ourselves. The reality is that the truth we perceive about who and what we are is not often the reality or truth that others see of us.

Having the Right Spirit After Criticism
To accept criticism or to be told things that are negative is a difficult pill to swallow. We prefer things that are sugar coated, things that are palatable and easy to consume. 

The minute something becomes coarse and goes against the grain, we find it difficult to digest and fathom. Criticism and correction in any sphere is difficult to accept.

One of the tenants of love is to speak freely with the intention of improving; the church, in the New Testament, is encouraged to correct brothers and sisters who may have strayed. 

The correction is to be done within the realm of love, with a desire to improve the condition of one rather than to pulverise them to a point where they lose their dignity or self worth.

 Cultural situations differ and in some instances it is easier to turn a blind eye than to correct and straighten. However, it is the duty of every Christian to be their brother’s keeper.

Do you desire to be a better person? Begin to look at life through the lenses of those that see you, do not accept to be downtrodden and stripped of dignity, but rather accept the facts about you that need correction and improvement.

Take the time to pray for the grace required for you to accept the things about yourself that you deny but you know need to be sorted out.

Online Source

Thursday 12 May 2016

Types Of Believers In The Church


Are you spending completely on things that pass away like a vapor–or are you investing significantly in the things of God, which do not?

I’m something of a student of human behavior, and I’ve come to some conclusions about how most people in the world relate to God and his gifts. With regard to those who do make some kind of attempt to serve God, I’ve observed that there are basically three kinds of believers in this world.

They’ve compartmentalized the sphere of all their resources, whether time, talent, or treasure, and haven’t brought these under the Lordship of Christ.

Three Kinds Of  Believers

1. Earthly-minded Believers

The first category of people I’ve identified is a large one, perhaps because it requires the least thought. These believers accept what God has given them and use their resources for their own comfort, pleasure, and personal gratification.

The Earthly-minded Believer sees money the way nearly everyone else does. He wants to keep as much of it as possible, and use it for his own personal enjoyment of life.

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the financial fruits of our labor. God wants us to do so. The important question is this: Are you spending completely on things that pass away like a vapor—or are you investing significantly in the things of God, which do not?

Three Kinds of Believer

2. Christian Philanthropists

The next category of believers is one that gives more attention to giving. These are believers who have come to the conviction that God has blessed them, and they should give back a portion of what they’ve received to help support ministry and missions. For them, this is somewhat of a duty, an obligation to fulfill, like paying taxes. There’s an “oughtness” that guides them. They write a check or volunteer in some way, but there is no joy or purpose in it.

Perhaps it’s the way they were taught by their parents. Perhaps it is motivated by the sense of duty so that the church can fund some project overseas, or pay its budget, or provide some program. Perhaps it’s giving out of guilt. The important distinction is that it is “doing what I have to.” As a result, it’s not something particularly pleasant or enjoyable.

3. Kingdom Investors

There is one other kind of Christian giver and, as you might predict, this one is harder to find among us. The Kingdom Investors are people who grow in Christ, who dig deeply into his Word, and who come to see their resources in a brand new way.

Kingdom Investors see all that they have and all that they own as their sacred trust, theirs to use strategically for the advancement of Christ and his eternal purposes. Their time, talent and treasure is no longer an end in itself, but a medium, a palette to be used in the beautiful art of serving God.

Who are these people? You’ll find them across the spectrum. The Kingdom Investors deploy whatever time, talent, and treasure they have available, and it’s a pleasing truth that while not everyone can invest great sums of financial wealth, everyone can give their time and their personal talents. These are all things that God has given so that we might find the unique joy of giving them back.

Online Source

Wednesday 11 May 2016

His Peace Is Precious


 Probably you are not sure anymore, under pressure you can not handle? Life, marriage and work is breaking in your face. Truly there is no peace in your Life. Learn that God has already given you His Peace appreciate and maximize His Peace in your life.

His Peace Is Precious

There are three words, pregnant with precious and important meaning, commonly used by the apostles in their salutations and benedictions, GRACE, MERCY, and PEACE. These words include everything which man needs or can desire.

Peace is the legacy which Christ gave to his disciples: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you." And after his resurrection, the first time he met with his disciples when assembled together, he said, "Peace be unto you." He gives peace not as the world gives. He is the PRINCE OF PEACE, and his gospel is the "gospel of peace

" It is called "the peace of God," because he is its author. It is a sweet and gentle stream which flows from the fountain of life beneath his throne. Happy is he who has received this heavenly gift; it will, in the midst of external storms and troubles, preserve his mind in a tranquil state. It is independent of external circumstances. 

It is most exquisitely enjoyed in times of affliction and persecution. "In the world you shall have tribulation; but these things have I spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace." It is a fruit of the Spirit: "love, joy, peace." It includes reconciliation with God. "Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Peace of conscience is a fruit of reconciliation with God. The blood which reconciles, when sprinkled on the conscience, produces a sweet peace which can be obtained in no other way. If the atonement of Christ satisfies the law which condemned us, and we are assured that this atonement is accepted for us, conscience, which before condemned, as being the echo of the law, is now pacified.

His Peace Is Precious

The peace of God also includes freedom from jarring, discordant passions of the mind. The wicked, however prosperous externally, can have no true peace within. Their ambition and pride and avarice, and love of ease and carnal indulgence, can never be harmonized. One may be the master-passion, but the others will arise and create disturbance and turmoil within.

The only passion which effectually harmonizes the discordant passions of human nature, is the love of God. Wherever this is introduced, it will not only be predominant, but bring all other desires into willing subjection.

 The peace of God is not a mere negative blessing, consisting in exemption from the misery of discord; it is a positive enjoyment of the purest, sweetest kind. It is a foretaste of the bliss of heaven.

 Nothing on earth is so delightful. It is therefore said to "pass understanding." No one could have thought man's miserable soul could possess such enjoyment in this world. But why is so little known of the peace of God--in the experience of professing Christians? I leave everyone to answer for himself.

Tuesday 10 May 2016

The Importance of Justification by Faith


This doctrine [justification by faith] is the head and the cornerstone. It alone begets, nourishes, builds, preserves, and defends the church of God; and without it the church of God cannot exist for one hour…. For no one who does not hold this article – or, to use Paul's expression, this 'sound doctrine' (Titus 2:1) – is able to teach aright in the church or successfully to resist any adversary . . . this is the heel of the Seed that opposes the old serpent and crushes its head. That is why Satan, in turn, cannot but persecute it."

"Whoever departs from the article of justification does not know God and is an idolater . . . For when this article has been taken away, nothing remains but error, hypocrisy, godlessness, and idolatry, although it may seem to be the height of truth, worship of God, holiness, etc."

"If the article of justification is lost, all Christian doctrine is lost at the same time. And all the people in the world who do not hold to this justification are either Jews or Turks or papists or heretics; for there is no middle ground between these two righteousness: the active one of the Law and the passive one which comes from Christ. Therefore the man who strays from Christian righteousness must relapse into the active one, that is, since he has lost Christ, he must put his confidence in his own works."

"When the article of justification has fallen, everything has fallen. Therefore it is necessary constantly to inculcate and impress it, as Moses says of his Law (Deut. 6:7); for it cannot be inculcated and urged enough or too much. Indeed, even though we learn it well and hold to it, yet there is no one who apprehends it perfectly or believes it with a full affection and heart. So very trickish is our flesh, fighting as it does against the obedience of the spirit."

"The article of justification and of grace is the most delightful, and it alone makes a person a theologian and makes of a theologian a judge of the earth and of all affairs. Few there are, however, who have thought it through well and who teach it aright."

"Of this article [justification] nothing may be yielded or conceded, though heaven and earth and whatever will not abide, fall to ruin; for 'there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved,' says St. Peter (Acts 4:12); 'and with His stripes we are healed' (Is. 53:5). And on this article all that we teach and practice is based, against the pope, the devil, and the world. That is why we must be very certain of this doctrine and not doubt; otherwise all is lost, and the pope and the devil and all things gain the victory over us and are adjudged right."

The Importance of Justification by Faith

"The article of justification must be learned diligently. It alone can support us in the face of these countless offenses and can console us in all temptations and persecutions. For we see that it cannot be otherwise: the world is bound to be offended at the doctrine of godliness and to cry out constantly that nothing good comes of it, since 'the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness unto him.' "

"In short, if this article concerning Christ — the doctrine that we are justified and saved through Him alone and consider all apart from Him damned — is not professed, all resistance and restraint are at an end. Then there is, in fact, neither measure nor limit to any heresy and error."

"There is this about the article of grace that if one diligently and sincerely remains loyal to it, it keeps one from falling into heresy and from undertaking anything against Christ or His Christendom. For with it comes the Holy Spirit, who enlightens the heart by it and keeps it in the true, certain understanding, so that it is able precisely and plainly to distinguish and judge all the other articles of faith and forcefully to sustain and defend them."

"The papacy is shaken and shattered nowadays, not through these tumults of the sectaries but through the preaching of the article of justification, which has not only weakened the kingdom of Antichrist but has also till now sustained and defended us against its power."

* Selected from What Luther Says, an anthology compiled by Edwald M. Plass, Vol.2, pp.702-704, 715-718.

The Doctrine of Justification An Introductory


Participation in the blessings of the union with Christ comes when the faithful have all the things needed to live well and blessedly to God. Eph. 1:3, He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing; Rom. 8:32, He who spared not his own son . . . how shall he not freely with him give us all things also?

 This participation therefore brings a change and alteration in the condition of believers from the state of sin and death to the state of righteousness and eternal life. 1 John 3:14, We know that we are translated from death to life.

 This change of state is twofold, relative and absolute (or real).

 The relative change occurs in God’s reckoning. Rom. 4:5, And to him who does not work, but believes in him who justifies the un­godly, his faith is imputed as righteousness. 2 Cor. 5:19, God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not counting their offenses.

 The change, of course, has no degrees and is completed at one moment and in only one act. Yet in manifestation, consciousness, and effects, it has many degrees; therein lie justification and adoption.

Justification is the gracious judgment of God by which he ab­solves the believer from sin and death, and reckons him righteous and worthy of life for the sake of Christ apprehended in faith. Rom. 3:2224, The righteousness of God by faith in Jesus Christ in all and upon all that believe. . . . they are freely justified by his grace . . . through the redemption made by Jesus Christ.

It is the pronouncing of a sentence, as the word is used, which does not denote in the Holy Scriptures a physical or a real change. There is rather a judicial or moral change which takes shape in the pronouncing of the sentence and in the reckoning. Prov. 17:15, He that justifies the wicked; Rom. 8:33, Who shall lay anything to the charge of God’s elect? It is God who justifies.

Therefore, Thomas and his followers are completely mistaken for they would make justification a kind of physical motion from the state of unrighteousness to that of righteousness in a real transmutation. They consider that it begins with sin, ends in inherent righteousness, with remission of sin and infusion of righteousness the motion be­tween.

The Doctrine of Justfication An Inroductionary

The judgment was, first, conceived in the mind of God in a de­cree of justification.Gal. 3:8, The Scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the Gentiles by faith. Second, it was pronounced in Christ our head as he rose from the dead. 2 Cor. 5:19, God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself, not imputing their sins to them. Third, it is pronounced in actuality upon that first relationship which is created when faith is born.Rom. 8:1

 There is therefore no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. Fourth, it is expressly pronounced by the spirit of God witnessing to our spirits our recon­ciliation with God. Rom. 5:5, The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given to us. This testimony of the spirit is not properly justification itself, but rather an actual per­ceiving of what has been given before as if in a reflected act of faith.

 It is a gracious judgment because it is given not by God’s jus­tice but by his grace.Rom. 3:24, Freely by his grace. For by the same grace with which he called Christ to the office of mediator and the elect to union with Christ, he accounts those who are called and be­lieving, justified by the union.

 It happens because of Christ. 2 Cor. 5:21, That we may become the righteousness of God in him. The obedience of Christ is the righteousness, Rom. 5:16, in the name of which the grace of God justifies us, just as the disobedience of Adam was that offense, Rom. 5:16, for which God’s justice condemned us, Rom. 5:18.

Therefore, the righteousness of Christ is imputed to believers in justification. Phil. 3:9, That I may be found in him not having my own righteousness which is of the law but that which is by faith in Christ, the righteousness of God through faith.

 This righteousness is called the righteousness of God because it is ordained, approved, and confirmed by his grace to the end that sin­ners can stand before him, Rom. 10:3.

 This justification comes about because of Christ, but not in the absolute sense of Christ’s being the cause of vocation. It happens be­cause Christ is apprehended by faith, which follows calling as an ef­fect. 

Faith precedes justification as the instrumental cause, laying hold of the righteousness of Christ from which justification being appre­hended follows; therefore, righteousness is said to be from faith, Rom. 9:3010:6. And justification is said to be by faith, Rom. 3:28.

15. This justifying faith is not the general faith of the understand­ing by which we give assent to the truth revealed in the Holy Scrip­tures, for that belongs not only to those who are justified, nor of its nature has it any force to justify, nor produce the effects which are everywhere in Scripture given to justifying faith.

Neither is it that special trust (properly speaking) by which we obtain remission of sins and justification itself. For justifying faith goes before justification itself, as a cause goes before its effect. But faith apprehending justification necessarily presupposes and follows justification as an act follows the object towards which it is directed.

 That faith is properly called justifying by which we rely upon Christ for the remission of sins and for salvation. For Christ is a suf­ficient object for justifying faith. Faith justifies only by apprehending the righteousness by which we are justified. That righteousness does not lie in the truth of some proposition to which we give assent, but in Christ alone Who has been made sin for us that we might be righ­teousness in him, 2 Cor. 5:21.

18. Therefore, words are often repeated in the New Testament which show that justification is to be sought in Christ alone: John 1:123:15166:4047;14:112Rom. 4:53:26Acts 10:43;

26:18; and Gal. 3:26.

19. Justifying faith of its own nature produces and is marked by a special, sure persuasion of the grace and mercy of God in Christ. Therefore, justifying faith is not wrongly described as persuasion by the orthodox (as it often is) —especially when they take a stand against the general faith to which the papists ascribe everything. But the following should be considered. First, the feeling of persuasion is not always present. It may and often does happen, either through weakness of judgment or various temptations and troubles of mind, that a person who truly believes and is by faith justified before God may for a time think that he neither believes nor is reconciled to God. Second, there are many degrees in this persuasion. Believers obviously do not have the same assurance of grace and favor of God, nor do the same ones have it at all times. But this cannot be said of justifying faith itself, without considerable loss in the consolation and peace which Christ has left to believers.

 Justification does not free from sin and death directly by taking away the blame or stain or all the effects of sin; rather it removes the guilty obligation to undergo eternal death. Rom. 8:13334, There is no condemnation . . . Who shall lay anything to their charge? . . , who shall condemn?

 Nor does it take away guilt so that the deserving of punishment is removed from sin. This cannot be taken away as long as sin itself remains. But justification does take away guilt so that its haunting or deadly effects vanish.
 The absolution from sins is called many things in the Holy Scriptures—remission, redemption, and reconciliation, Eph. 1:67— but these all have the same meaning. When sin is thought of as a bondage or kind of spiritual captivity because of guilt, justification is called redemption. When it is thought of as subjection to deserved punishment, it is called remission — also passing by, blotting out, ex­oneration, taking away, casting away, removing, and casting behind the back, Rom. 4:7Col. 2:13Mic. 7:18Isa. 43:1238:17Ps. 32:12. And when sin is thought of as enmity against God, justification is called reconciliation, Rom. 5:10. Sometimes this is regarded as even a kind of winking at sin, Num. 23:25, and a covering of sin, Ps. 32:12.

 Not only are past sins of justified persons remitted but also those to come. Num. 23:25. God sees no iniquity in Jacob or perverseness in Israel. Justification has left no place for condemnation. John 5:24, He who believes has eternal life and shall not come into condemnation — justification gives eternal life surely and immediately.

It also makes the whole remission obtained for us in Christ actually ours. Neither past nor present sins can be altogether fully remitted un­less sins to come are in some way remitted.

 The difference is that past sins are remitted specifically and sins to come potentially. Past sins are remitted in themselves, sins to come in the subject or the person sinning.

 Yet those who are justified need daily the forgiveness of sins. This is true because the continuance of grace is necessary to them; the consciousness and manifestation of forgiveness increases more and more as individual sins require it; and the execution of the sentence which is pronounced in justification may thus be carried out and com­pleted.

 Besides the forgiveness of sins there is also required an imputa­tion of righteousness, Rom. 5:18Rev. 19:8Rom. 8:3. This is neces­sary because there might be a total absence of sin in a case where that righteousness does not exist which must be offered in place of justifi­cation.

 This righteousness is not to be sought in a scattered fashion in the purity of the nature, birth, and life of Christ. It arises rather, with remission of sins, out of Christ’s total obedience, just as the disobedi­ence of Adam both robbed us of original righteousness and made us subject to the guilt of condemnation.

Real Transformation A modern Fallacy Of The Modern Age Christianity


When one looks at the world wonders, will there be a real transformation and revolution that leads to true liberation and emancipation of humanity. The church has come in a time where there is need for a real transformation and not a behavioral modification. The role of the man of God then becomes more that to just parrot  nothing but the general talk of empowerment and prosperity. Indeed how can true transformation be ignited and nurtured in the society of our day?

By claiming that there that there is a genuine reason for transformation means that there is a mishap in our today society and culture. The church is shaped by every other spiritual aspect to make it a spiritual entity. However, spiritual as  it may be the church remains at the same time a place and community that is existing within a set cultural society. 

Thus by nature the  church can not be church at least it fits in the setting of the modern or relative culture of the community where it is existing, to impart and to educate the community in the way they understand. There is a danger however, of becoming like the people that you think needs help. In actual sense is the church offering help or it is the one that is looking for help from the world?

In thinking of a church fitting in a culture and society we limit not only the power of the church but the very being of the church. Church is not shaped by culture nor is it formed by a group of doctrine that shows man a good way of becoming religious. 

It is a mockery to advocate for the unity of the church with the culture of the day and to make the culture the source of its existence. Jesus Christ is the head of the church, thus there is no church without the headship of Jesus. 

By stating that Jesus is the head of the church it implies that the vision of the church must not be coming from a source that is different from Christ. His Vision is the vision for the church, his passion is the passion for the church.  

It is amazing and sarcastic to note that in the modern age of the church the headship of the church is now being particularized to an individual, a Prophet, Apostle or a Pastor who is projected by the church to be so divine and well endowed  with grace and divine ability. He or she is viewed as a demi god.
 We honor indeed the servants of God but we believe in Jesus, the cause to be followed must be intertwined with the course of Jesus.

Jesus when He calls a woman or man to work for His it is clear that He empowers them to do the work and the will of His Father. In the natural sense it is very difficult to be employed by someone and yet start to doing that which you like. 

Truly you will be fired! Real transformation comes when we start to implement the vision of Jesus and not our own visions that has nothing but selfish ambitions. As long as the vision, passion and  ideology is self centered it will not bring transformation.

Jesus as the head indicates that the thought life or philosophy of ministry must be Jesus centered. We have encountered ministries philosophy that are human, legalistic in nature, yet the head of the church is Christ who is the wisdom of God and who has become our wisdom. The church must by nature be able to demonstrate wisdom because wisdom is the minds of the church. 

On the contrary we observe that in the church there is a high level of ignorance and the hub of stupidity. Imagine congregants can be seen eating snakes claiming that the way one should be blessed, whats there to bless in eating a snake. Man of God abusing members as a result of this ignorance, man has been raped, rob of their hard earned cash and property. 

True Transformation By The Word

The church must function not to exploit members but must be a movement that liberates and empowers believer to be self reliant in the faith in Christ Jesus. Most preacher love power and authority to the extent that they remove the place of Jesus in the Church as the wisdom of the church and become the prince of wisdom and a demi god of divine miracles. This is not right such man and woman are robbing believers of their rights of believers which came as a result of Jesus' death and resurrection.

If and only if the church especially the so called Man of God are inline with the wisdom of God and allow the same wisdom to be applied to the heart and in their day to day of life. There we will start to see signs of change in the lives of many. Wisdom is meant to better someone's life and to propel one to the next stage of life

Finally to envision Jesus as the head of the Church entails that the church speaks what Jesus is speaking. The language of the church must be the language of Jesus, who is acclaimed to be the word that became flesh. In John 1:1 the bible says that In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God and the Word was God.

 Speaking the language of Jesus would mean speaking the word of God. Some church are experiencing a drought of the word of God, in the services and purposed sermons there is no Jesus talk. No wonder why people have lost faith and God is so far fetched.

 As the church we should speak nothing but the word of God, our language should be the word. we fail because we are speaking the wrong language, we have taken the enemy's language to be our own and we have identified with the enemy

Real transformation have delayed not because God has no power to change people or nations. By no means, it has delayed because the mobile for transformation has being detached from the machinery of transformation. The church has lived as an organism which is headless, though propelling humanistic philosophy, pursuing personal and selfish  vision and ambition all in the name of the church and not speaking the language of Jesus.