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Monday 16 May 2016

Have the Right Spirit After Criticism


One of the worst sins anyone can ever perpetuate against themselves is to believe the lies that they tell themselves. It’s normal that in a bid to be strong or appear brave and in control, we often tell ourselves statements that are meant to embolden and strengthen us.

“Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy.
Proverbs 28 vs 13

In these statements its common cause that we will tell ourselves the things we want to hear, the things we think of ourselves, the fleeting dreams that we fantasise about and that we hope will be the reality of our life.

It’s so easy to turn a blind eye to the reality of our situation, therefore we end up lying to ourselves. We become so distanced from reality that we begin to believe everything we say to ourselves. The reality is that the truth we perceive about who and what we are is not often the reality or truth that others see of us.

Having the Right Spirit After Criticism
To accept criticism or to be told things that are negative is a difficult pill to swallow. We prefer things that are sugar coated, things that are palatable and easy to consume. 

The minute something becomes coarse and goes against the grain, we find it difficult to digest and fathom. Criticism and correction in any sphere is difficult to accept.

One of the tenants of love is to speak freely with the intention of improving; the church, in the New Testament, is encouraged to correct brothers and sisters who may have strayed. 

The correction is to be done within the realm of love, with a desire to improve the condition of one rather than to pulverise them to a point where they lose their dignity or self worth.

 Cultural situations differ and in some instances it is easier to turn a blind eye than to correct and straighten. However, it is the duty of every Christian to be their brother’s keeper.

Do you desire to be a better person? Begin to look at life through the lenses of those that see you, do not accept to be downtrodden and stripped of dignity, but rather accept the facts about you that need correction and improvement.

Take the time to pray for the grace required for you to accept the things about yourself that you deny but you know need to be sorted out.

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Friday 13 May 2016

New tech Fuelling Global boom In Child Sex Tourism


Technology is transforming the global sex trade and making it easier than ever for travellers to prey on children, a landmark study on paedophiles warned

The sexual abuse of children by tourists and travellers is a growing scourge around the globe that has largely managed to outwit attempts to curb it in the last two decades, a major study revealed.

New tech Fuelling Global boom In Child Sex Tourism

Child sex tourism according to Stephanie Delaney in Child-Sex Tourism Questions and Answers, 2007 "Child-sex tourism is a particular kind of sexual abuse. It normally happens when someone travels to a place and while there sexually abuses a child or young person who lives locally." For example, a person might go on holiday and then abuse a child who lives in a village or a community nearby. 

We call the person who sexually abuses the child or young person an ‘abuser’, an ‘offender’ or a ‘child-sex tourist’.The main thing about child-sex tourism is that the abuser is someone who does not usually live in the place where they sexually abuse children and young people, although they may stay there for a long time.

Child-sex tourism can happen anywhere, although it tends to happen where there are many visitors to a place, such as popular tourist resorts, either for holidays or pilgrimages, or where people are travelling through, such as transit or border towns. Places which have become known for child-sex tourism can ‘attract’ people who want to abuse children and young people

The UN-backed report shines a light on the rampant spread of child sex tourism, a scourge that touches every corner of the world and is outpacing all efforts to contain it.

Researchers say the spread of communications technology is facilitating abuse at every step by helping offenders groom and procure children on the Internet before they arrive, network among themselves and share or even livestream images of abuse.

"With the click of a button, offenders can have children 'delivered' to their hotel room or anywhere else they choose," the report says.

Paedophiles can now speak directly to victims, using social media channels, with an immediacy "that was impossible 20 years ago," it adds.

In a country like South Korea, where advanced communication technologies are widespread, more than 95 percent of commercial sexual exploitation of children is arranged over the Internet, according to researchers.

The community the church is living in is fast changing, it is imperative for the to become not only a social-religious antiquity but to become an organization which bring transformation and true change. The role of the church must be revised and the church to arise to educate the believers and to equip its members of right believing for right living.

Our Children Needs Our Protecting And Respect.
It is with shame that the church learns that individuals have become to humanistic and self centered to the place of even exploiting children for money.Abusing children, having no conscience, what a world we are creating without morals and respect. 

Thursday 12 May 2016

Types Of Believers In The Church


Are you spending completely on things that pass away like a vapor–or are you investing significantly in the things of God, which do not?

I’m something of a student of human behavior, and I’ve come to some conclusions about how most people in the world relate to God and his gifts. With regard to those who do make some kind of attempt to serve God, I’ve observed that there are basically three kinds of believers in this world.

They’ve compartmentalized the sphere of all their resources, whether time, talent, or treasure, and haven’t brought these under the Lordship of Christ.

Three Kinds Of  Believers

1. Earthly-minded Believers

The first category of people I’ve identified is a large one, perhaps because it requires the least thought. These believers accept what God has given them and use their resources for their own comfort, pleasure, and personal gratification.

The Earthly-minded Believer sees money the way nearly everyone else does. He wants to keep as much of it as possible, and use it for his own personal enjoyment of life.

There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the financial fruits of our labor. God wants us to do so. The important question is this: Are you spending completely on things that pass away like a vapor—or are you investing significantly in the things of God, which do not?

Three Kinds of Believer

2. Christian Philanthropists

The next category of believers is one that gives more attention to giving. These are believers who have come to the conviction that God has blessed them, and they should give back a portion of what they’ve received to help support ministry and missions. For them, this is somewhat of a duty, an obligation to fulfill, like paying taxes. There’s an “oughtness” that guides them. They write a check or volunteer in some way, but there is no joy or purpose in it.

Perhaps it’s the way they were taught by their parents. Perhaps it is motivated by the sense of duty so that the church can fund some project overseas, or pay its budget, or provide some program. Perhaps it’s giving out of guilt. The important distinction is that it is “doing what I have to.” As a result, it’s not something particularly pleasant or enjoyable.

3. Kingdom Investors

There is one other kind of Christian giver and, as you might predict, this one is harder to find among us. The Kingdom Investors are people who grow in Christ, who dig deeply into his Word, and who come to see their resources in a brand new way.

Kingdom Investors see all that they have and all that they own as their sacred trust, theirs to use strategically for the advancement of Christ and his eternal purposes. Their time, talent and treasure is no longer an end in itself, but a medium, a palette to be used in the beautiful art of serving God.

Who are these people? You’ll find them across the spectrum. The Kingdom Investors deploy whatever time, talent, and treasure they have available, and it’s a pleasing truth that while not everyone can invest great sums of financial wealth, everyone can give their time and their personal talents. These are all things that God has given so that we might find the unique joy of giving them back.

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Wednesday 11 May 2016

The 21st Century Church A Replica of the Christendom Era's Church Failures

The 21st Century Church A Replica of the Christendom Era's Church Failures

The Church was instituted in the Christendom Era where the Gospel of Christ thrived. Jesus Christ was the center of the Teaching of the Church, they preached about the coming Kingdom. And indeed the message of Christ was so fresh in the mind of the populous. In the 21st Century the focus of the Church is it still Christ and its message is it about the coming Kingdom?

The word Christendom generally refers to the global community of those who adhere to the Christian faith, with religious practices and dogmas gleaned from the teachings of the Bible. Spread throughout the world, Christendom consists of literally billions of people among many nations and peoples of various ethnicity. Correspondingly, Christendom also refers to those countries where Christianity is the dominating or territorial religion

In the age of Christendom, the church occupied a central and influential place in society and the Western world considered itself both formally and officially Christian. 

So when we speak of post-Christendom, we are making the point that the church no longer occupies this central place of social and cultural hegemony and Western civilization no longer considers itself to be formally or officially Christian.

According to Abraham Kuyper 'When the first contest eventuated in this that the emperor bowed to Jesus, then... the kingship of Christ began to be triumphant in society...The kingship of Christ from this time on stood as a direction-giving power above the imperial power, which, in order to strengthen its influence, tried for an ever increasingly close integration with the kingship of Jesus...

When in the fourth century persecution ceased and the imperial power evinced a readiness to accommodate itself to Jesus, the basic victory became apparent...This principle victory continued on during the entire course of the long period known as the Middle Ages'.

It is evident during this period that the Church obtained a very powerful position in the society. As highlighted by Murray in his article christendom ( page 2).

Christendom meant: ·
The adoption of Christianity as the official religion of city, state or empire, thus the message of Jesus Christ to be central and the pivotal focus of Faith. It was attractive and receptive to all societies and nations.

Furthermore in the Era we witness the imposition of a supposedly 'Christian morality' on the entire population (although normally Old Testament moral standards were applied)
In this Era the defense of Christianity by legal sanctions to restrain heresy, immorality and schism, and by warfare to protect or extend Christendom.

His Peace Is Precious


 Probably you are not sure anymore, under pressure you can not handle? Life, marriage and work is breaking in your face. Truly there is no peace in your Life. Learn that God has already given you His Peace appreciate and maximize His Peace in your life.

His Peace Is Precious

There are three words, pregnant with precious and important meaning, commonly used by the apostles in their salutations and benedictions, GRACE, MERCY, and PEACE. These words include everything which man needs or can desire.

Peace is the legacy which Christ gave to his disciples: "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you." And after his resurrection, the first time he met with his disciples when assembled together, he said, "Peace be unto you." He gives peace not as the world gives. He is the PRINCE OF PEACE, and his gospel is the "gospel of peace

" It is called "the peace of God," because he is its author. It is a sweet and gentle stream which flows from the fountain of life beneath his throne. Happy is he who has received this heavenly gift; it will, in the midst of external storms and troubles, preserve his mind in a tranquil state. It is independent of external circumstances. 

It is most exquisitely enjoyed in times of affliction and persecution. "In the world you shall have tribulation; but these things have I spoken unto you, that in me you might have peace." It is a fruit of the Spirit: "love, joy, peace." It includes reconciliation with God. "Being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Peace of conscience is a fruit of reconciliation with God. The blood which reconciles, when sprinkled on the conscience, produces a sweet peace which can be obtained in no other way. If the atonement of Christ satisfies the law which condemned us, and we are assured that this atonement is accepted for us, conscience, which before condemned, as being the echo of the law, is now pacified.

His Peace Is Precious

The peace of God also includes freedom from jarring, discordant passions of the mind. The wicked, however prosperous externally, can have no true peace within. Their ambition and pride and avarice, and love of ease and carnal indulgence, can never be harmonized. One may be the master-passion, but the others will arise and create disturbance and turmoil within.

The only passion which effectually harmonizes the discordant passions of human nature, is the love of God. Wherever this is introduced, it will not only be predominant, but bring all other desires into willing subjection.

 The peace of God is not a mere negative blessing, consisting in exemption from the misery of discord; it is a positive enjoyment of the purest, sweetest kind. It is a foretaste of the bliss of heaven.

 Nothing on earth is so delightful. It is therefore said to "pass understanding." No one could have thought man's miserable soul could possess such enjoyment in this world. But why is so little known of the peace of God--in the experience of professing Christians? I leave everyone to answer for himself.