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Showing posts with label Democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Democracy. Show all posts

Tuesday 10 May 2016

A Step To Decadence: All In The Name Of Democracy and Human Rights


You call it Democracy and the respect of Human Rights, yet it is what is eroding your communities and societies of its core values and harmony of living. A community without values and ethics no conscious of what is good or wrong but that which is free and permitted as constitutional and legal. That is indeed a step into decadence.

According to associated Press 
WASHINGTON — New York's iconic Stonewall Inn, where the modern gay rights movement took root, will become the first national monument honoring the history of gays and lesbians in the U.S. under a proposal President Barack Obama is preparing to approve.

Designating the small swath of land will mark a major act of national recognition for gay rights advocates and their struggles over the last half-century. Since the 1969 uprising in Greenwich Village, the U.S. has enacted anti-discrimination protections, allowed gays and lesbians to serve openly in the U.S. military and legalized same-sex marriage nationwide.

PHOTOS: Stonewall

Though land must still be transferred to the federal government and other details worked out, the president is expected to move quickly to greenlight the monument following a public meeting Monday in Manhattan, according to two individuals familiar with the administration's plans. The individuals weren't authorized to discuss the plans publicly and requested anonymity.

Indeed this a step towards decadence or a step deeper into decadence. A country without the fear of God and His Principle is always a place of decadence. Not that there are no people who fear the Lord. Rather the Nation is diving into decadence as it foster the independentism ideology which cater for all forms of beliefs and ideologies as a body that must be respected and liberated to be expressed all in the name of Democracy they say.

To start with, we need to look at God’s created order. The claim that some are born homosexuals seems to accuse God for creating them that way. The creation narratives are very clear in how God created human beings and how he sovereignly ordered life for them and their posterity.

The Levitical prohibition of homosexual behaviour is informed by God’s purpose for humanity as revealed in creation; “such acts violated the created order of male and female and…they are an idolatrous affront to the integrity of the deity” (Grenz 1983). Further, the whole argument of God honouring heterosexual relationships collapses when viewed under the scrutiny of the “one-flesh-perspective” of Genesis narratives on marriage

The biblical teaching is clear that marital union is “…heterosexual monogamy… the sexual union of a man with his wife, whom he recognises as ‘flesh of his flesh’”There is therefore no place for homosexual unions in God’s original plan; they are a deviation from God’s design.

Yet it can be argued by our intellectual that to desire the pure and clear plan of the Divine in making and forming a Nation and a future for a people is labeled " Homophobic". It is mind blowing that individual would fight for a right that is as much at it is far from being natural and fight for something that was never intended to be part of the known creation of God.

These are steps that shows where a nation is going, from being a great and might nation which had its background and the foundation on the word of God and God. A people who were in the past so much passionate about Divine Principles becoming part of their legislation and a nation whose trust was wholly in their God as even their currency entails " in God we trust"

What has happened to such a great and might people who now removes the very own Principles that made them to be a people. Replacing prayer with reason and the word of God which used to be their foundation with human philosophies and selfishness becoming self centered at the end.